Thursday, December 27, 2018

Be in bliss

To be in bliss should not be the goal.
No effort is needed. In fact effort takes you far from bliss.
To be "this" or to be "that" is not the goal.
So, just be...just be vigilant utterly vigilant. So vigilant that even a bit of inertia will be scared to overtake you.

Practical Method to be Vigilant:

You always need to focus on your breath.
Then you can observe the working of your mind.
Then mind will become your slave.
Once the mind becomes your slave, use it just as a tool (whenever required).
At this stage you will be clear that you are different from your mind.
Now set on a mission to "find out who you are"? and about your origin.
Don't be in a hurry to get an answer. Just keep on inquiring and enjoy the vastness, sweetness and emptiness of "YOUR SELF".

Once you start enjoying this state, then you are not only in bliss but you are "BLISS".

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